
オバマ来日記念~~TPP関係~~日本における豚肉の差額関税制度 or Gate Price System on Pork

1. Background

Gate Price System of Japan ("差額関税制度") is a regulation on importing to Japan introduced in 1971. Purpose of the regulation was to avoid flood of cheap foreign products and to prevent extreme price fluctuation.

Theoretically the regulation can be applied to every imported goods which are less competitive comparing foreign competing products. However the only goods that falls into the coverage of the regulation is pork. Therefore current Gate Price System is known as the regulation dedicated to protect Japanese pork producers from foreign pork.

The Gate Price System levies pork importers custom duty tariff, i.e. import tax. The tax is calculated based on the import price of the pork. The importers who import pork below "criteria price" ("基準価格") have to pay the difference between import price and the criteria price as the import tax. On the other hand, when importers import pork above the criteria price, importers have to pay 4.3% of the import price as the tax. Current criteria price for subprimal or dissected pork ("部分肉") is JPY 546.53 per kilogram.

For example, if an importer imports 1 kg of pork for JPY 300, it has to pay JPY 246.53 as the import tax.

Below link is the brief explanation by Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan.

2. Widespread Tax Evasion

As is always the case when regulations distort free market, the Gate Price System also accompanies fraudulent activities. Popular fraud is to reduce the import tax by preparing fake invoice. As mentioned above, when the import price is JPY 300 the tax is JPY 246.53. So the importer make forgery invoice that state higher import price, say JPY 500, and you can reduce tax payment with little effort.

The pork which imported without proper tax payment are called "裏ポーク" or "backdoor pork."

The backdoor pork tax evasion is hard to detect especially when the pork importer conspires with the exporter. While many pork importers are prosecuted and convicted for committing tax evasion every year, it is said those convicted are only a small part of the total number.

Akahata, the largest left wing newspaper in Japan, reported even the major meat processing companies were involved in fraudulent practice.

3. Investment Scam -"Backdoor Pork" Investment

As you see, importing and wholesaling of "backdoor pork" is lucrative business as far as you are not detected by investigative authorities. Some white-collar criminals exploit that notion. They solicit potential investors who know the scheme of "backdoor pork" to invest in their "highly confidential" backdoor pork business. But usually the business is set up only to defraud potential investors. When the investors wire their fund the criminals disappear.

Keiten, one of right wing web news media, reported a president of an advertisement company which did business with listed ticket agency called "Lawson Entermedia," was deceived by such "backdoor pork investment" and lost JPY 3 or 4 billion. What is interesting is the lost money had illegal origin too. The president of the advertisement company had colluded with officers of Lawson Entermedia and embezzled JPY 11 billion from its parent company, convenience store operator called "Lawson."


主な取引所のサーバー(matching engine)の設置場所


1.NYSE Euronext Global Liquidity Center

1700 MacArthur Blvd, Mahwah, NJ, アメリカ合衆国 ‎



1400 Federal Blvd, Carteret, NJ, アメリカ合衆国


3.Direct Edge

755 Secaucus Rd, Secaucus, NJ, アメリカ合衆国


Weehawken, NJ, アメリカ合衆国(具体的な場所は不明)




Wall Street Journalの記事によれば3月からの6か月間に、金利上昇に備えたETFが17本上場される予定。






Legal Dispute between Gree's President and a Young Woman

Please be noted that the news is apparently based on one-sided plaintiff's account.

A Japanese news site called Sakura Financial News (SFN) reported Mr. Yoshikazu Tanaka, president of Gree, Inc., was sued by a woman in her 20's in this February. She argues that she was forced to abort her pregnancy by Mr. Tanaka and asks him to pay JPY 30 million as the damage for mental suffering.

According to the complaint, Mr. Tanaka met her at the mutual friend's birthday party in September 2010 and he begun going out with her next January. In August 2012, he provided her a condominium located in Takanawa, one of the luxurious residential area in Tokyo.

After she moved to the condominium, she had sex with Mr. Tanaka without contraception. She regarded the intercourse without contraception meant he was seeing her with view of marriage and accepted him.

However, his attitude had changed a 180 degree when she let Mr. Tanaka know her pregnancy. He visited her residence on November 21, 2012 and implicitly persuaded her to terminate her pregnancy by saying "giving birth would not make anyone happy." He left JPY 300,000 then and there. She recognized he left it as cost of the abortion.

After a while Mr. Tanaka ceased to visit her and his personal secretary took over the negotiation. The secretary told her "(Mr. Tanaka) will not discuss anymore," and "has no intention to acknowledge the baby." Then she decided to have an abortion.

Follow-up news reported the defendant will make a plea from 2 p.m. on May 1, 2014.


One Fifth Avenue by Candace Bushnell----Co-opの特徴

Sex and the Cityの原作者で有名なCandace Bushnell(カンディス?・ブッシュネル)の5冊目の本がOne Fifth Avenueだ。ニューヨークを舞台にしたフィクション。とはいってもこの人の本はたいがいニューヨークが舞台。

マンハッタンの五番街の最南端、ワシントンスクエアにぶつかるところにあるOne Fifth Avenueという集合住宅の住人達(大金持ちの未亡人、大物ゴシップコラムニストとその甥のアカデミー賞脚本家とそのどうしようもないガールフレンド、売れない作家とのその妻の雑誌編集者、ヘッジファンドマネージャーと元弁護士の妻、女優etc)とその周辺にいる人たち(よくわからないけれど金持ちの周辺をうろうろして生活をしている人)が、ある人はメンツのため、別の人はお金のため、また別の人は嫉妬から策略を巡らし、いがみ合い、協力する話。

どの程度現実に即しているのかはわからないけど実際にOne Fifth Avenueという住宅はあるし、マンハッタン生活(の上澄み)の思考を知ることができるだろう。

住宅としてのOne Fifth Avenueの特徴

この物語はロバート・アルトマンのShort Cutsみたいな作りで特定の一人の人物が主人公というわけではない。いわゆるグランドホテル形式。というよりも主人公はOne Fifth Avenueという建物といっていい。で、そのOne Fifth Avenueはただ金を持っているだけでは買うことができない、つまり住むことができない。例えば、住人の一人が経済的な事情から住んでいる部屋の売却を希望したとする。不動産仲介業者がその部屋を買いたいというお金持ちを連れてくるが、売り手と買い手が合意しただけではダメで、One Fifth Avenueの理事会から、住むにふさわしい人間であるという承認を得なければいけない。


Co-op (Housing Cooperative)とは

この話の中でOne Fifth Avenueは、一般にCo-opあるいはHousing Cooperativeと呼ばれる法人が所有し運営しているという設定になっている。Co-opは日本ではあまりなじみがないが英語のWikipediaに詳しく説明がある。


After years and years of pursuing th american dream, of aspirations and university educations and hard, hard work, all you got for your efforts these days were servants' quarters in Manhattan. And being told you were lucky to have them.



Flash Boys by Michael Lewis

Michael Lewis


Flash Boys

タイトルは"Flash Boys"

前2作品「世紀の空売り」と「ブーメラン」の流れを受けて今回も金融経済を扱った内容で、アルゴリズム取引というかHigh Frequency Trader(高頻度取引業者)を扱った内容。

邦訳はしばらく先になるだろうし、原書も日本に入ってきていないようなので内容はわからない。そこでWall Street Journalの書評を見ただけで中身を見ないままポイントを手短に。

Flash Boysのポイント










Re: Fixsters Corporation (3687) - 株式会社フィックスターズ



Basic Information

Fixstars Corporation (“株式会社フィックスターズ”) is a developer of software dedicated for high speed data processing. Fixstars develops bespoke software with multi-core processor for mainly blue-chip Japanese companies. Fixstars is scheduled to list the stock on Mothers Board of Tokyo Stock Exchange on April 23, 2014.

The Software

Fixstars customers use the software for various purposes. For example, healthcare companies use the software for medical image processing or genomic analysis. Industrial machinery companies use it for controlling machineries or automobiles. Financial companies calculate the derivative price or various risks accompanying its operation.

Along with software development, Fixstars supplies custom-made IT equipment like image processing board or general purpose server enhanced with multi-core processors.

The Employees

Fixstars claims itself as a pioneer to develop software for multicore processor and brag about quality of the employees.

Fixstars hires the engineers from the top-tier universities in Japan such as University of Tokyo or Tokyo Institute of Technology. On top of it, more than 90% of the 112 employees work as engineer. 15 employees have doctor’s degree and 44 have master’s degree as of March 19, 2014.

As the result, about 70% of the cost of sales is labor cost. Salary for the engineers is one the largest variable for Fixstars.

The Marketing Strategy

Fixstars had developed software upon customers’ request since the foundation. Fixstars call that marketing approach as “Pull-Style” marketing. However, Fixstars projects to adapt more “proposal-driven” approach on the marketing by developing new products.

Fixstars had been served for small number of existing customers. However Fixstars believes it has to expand customer base to reduce risks from economic cycle. To approach new customers or new areas, Fixstars plans to join exhibitions and to hold seminars.

Customers - Dependence on “Fuyo Group”

In Fixstars’ fiscal year ending September 2013, sales to below six customer composed 70% of the revenue.
l  Toshiba Corporation (“株式会社東芝”) : industrial goods manufacturer.
l  Hitachi Medical Corporation (“株式会社日立メディコ”): healthcare equipment manufacturer.
l  Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation (“株式会社日立ハイテクノロジーズ”): inspection instruments manufacturer.
l  Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd. (“みずほ証券株式会社”): securities brokerage, investment bank.
l  Canon, Inc. (“キヤノン株式会社”): digital camera, semiconductor production equipment and healthcare equipment manufacturer.
l  Hitachi Aloka Medical, Ltd. (“日立アロカメディカル株式会社”): healthcare equipment manufacturer.

It is noted that above listed companies except for Toshiba belong to so called “Fuyo Group.”

Fuyo group is one of six influential corporate groups in Japan and has its roots in 19th century’s banking conglomerate “Yasuda Zaibatsu.” Fuyo group companies, led by Mizuho Financial Group, maintain mutual shareholdings and help their business each other until today.

Close relationship between Fixstars and the leading company of Fuyo Group, Mizuho Bank, indicates that Fixstars also belongs to Fuyo Group.

However, Fuyo Group security broker will not act as the lead underwriter at Fixstarts’ IPO. Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities, a member of another corporate group called “Mitsubishi Group,” will serve as the lead underwriter of the IPO.

While Mizuho Securities is Fixstars’ major customer and belongs to Fuyo Group, Fixstars did not appoint Mizuho Securities as the lead underwriter. The reason why Fixstars appointed lead underwriter from Mitsubishi Group is not confirmed.

If Fixstars intends to break ties with Fuyo Group or Fuyo Group is hoping to write off the relationship, the revenue from the Fuyo Group companies may be seriously affected after the IPO.