
Legal Dispute between Gree's President and a Young Woman

Please be noted that the news is apparently based on one-sided plaintiff's account.

A Japanese news site called Sakura Financial News (SFN) reported Mr. Yoshikazu Tanaka, president of Gree, Inc., was sued by a woman in her 20's in this February. She argues that she was forced to abort her pregnancy by Mr. Tanaka and asks him to pay JPY 30 million as the damage for mental suffering.

According to the complaint, Mr. Tanaka met her at the mutual friend's birthday party in September 2010 and he begun going out with her next January. In August 2012, he provided her a condominium located in Takanawa, one of the luxurious residential area in Tokyo.

After she moved to the condominium, she had sex with Mr. Tanaka without contraception. She regarded the intercourse without contraception meant he was seeing her with view of marriage and accepted him.

However, his attitude had changed a 180 degree when she let Mr. Tanaka know her pregnancy. He visited her residence on November 21, 2012 and implicitly persuaded her to terminate her pregnancy by saying "giving birth would not make anyone happy." He left JPY 300,000 then and there. She recognized he left it as cost of the abortion.

After a while Mr. Tanaka ceased to visit her and his personal secretary took over the negotiation. The secretary told her "(Mr. Tanaka) will not discuss anymore," and "has no intention to acknowledge the baby." Then she decided to have an abortion.

Follow-up news reported the defendant will make a plea from 2 p.m. on May 1, 2014.

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