
Activity of Anti-Social, Forgery Artists Appear in Many Fraud Cases (4/4)

This article is the final part of rough translation of the report by Hirofumi Ito, published on a web media called “Gendai Business,” on July 3, 2014. (http://gendai.ismedia.jp/articles/print/39737)

Background of Continuous Frauds with Forged Documents: Next Target will be Solar Power?

Let’s see another example that indicates anything can be “merchandise” in forgery.

On June 24, 2000, Community Economy Division of MDP arrested cigarette counterfeit group. They were charged for counterfeiting 2 brands of cigarette including “Seven Stars,” in Tokyo and 6 neighboring prefectures. These brands were exclusively made by Japan Tobacco Inc. One of the main suspects was, the Setagaya case’s suspect, Sasai.

A broker who married with Chinese wife utilized her network to China and produced counterfeit cigarette in Fujian, China. Then the broker imported the cigarette from Yokohama port and delivered to Sasai. Sasai, who managed a real estate company called “Yazaki Sangyo” at that time, distributed the cigarette.

Forgery group, fraudsters and land racketeers still active. It is worthy to note that these criminals are increasingly aging. Main culprit in the case was his 50’s 10 years ago and he, now his 60’s, is still involved in crime today.

There was organized crime group (Boryoku-dan) behind the land racketeer case and the LED case. They are also behind the solar power case which will be charged by the authority soon. Boryoku-dan is always behind fraudsters. Forgery group is not an exception. If fraudsters were arrested with Boryoku-dan member, their career will end as the news (relationship with organized crime) will remain on the web and be searched almost permanently.

Since the introduction of the anti-organized crime code, pressure to shut out Boryoku-dan is getting stronger. People “who has the (criminal) records” are forced to do business in which they know the ropes. So they tend to commit fraud exploiting forged documents and certificates again.

The business domain for Boryoku-dan and other anti-social groups are shrinking due to the anti-organized crime code. It is inevitable that they will continue to commit fraud with other “merchandise.”

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