
Lurid e-mail Correspondences between GREE’s President and a Young Woman

This article is the follow up of legal dispute between GREE’s president and a young woman.

Japanese web media, Sakura Financial News (SFN) reported new findings on the case a young woman vs. Mr. Yoshikazu Tanaka., the president of listed social game developer called GREE, Inc.

SFN reported e-mail correspondences between the plaintiff and the defendant. The correspondences were provided as plaintiff’s sixth evidence in the procedure.

The conversations were such lurid since Mr. Tanaka had been trying to end his relationship with the plaintiff and asking her to abort the pregnancy.

SFN asked comments for the e-mail correspondences but could not received any comments from the defendant’s attorney and GREE by the deadline

Below is the translation of the correspondences.

1. Correspondences on November 22, 2012

Plaintiff (P): Why can’t you start our relationship again?

Mr. Tanaka (T): I think it’s better to email you than to meet you in person. I do believe that my estimate that it [giving birth] will harm all of us is sensible judgment.

P: Then. Can I ask you why you came inside me?

P: Yossy, [the plaintiff called Mr. Tanaka “Yossy.”] you don’t understand how hard it is. You can say that without hesitation since you only pay for the treatment and never suffer from physical pain. Have you ever imagined how it will feel visiting hospital for the tests, seeing abortion doctor and holding service for the aborted child?

P: Can you imagine my permanent damage from it?

P: I dare to say I did not assume you are such horrible person. I believed Yossy is a man with gentle and warm heart.

P: It’s better killing myself than facing this ordeal.

2. Correspondences on November 24, 2012

P: As you never replied to my emails, I sorted out my thought. I’d like to say again that I was very dismayed by the fact you left “minimum cash” as “cash for abortion” in front of my house at first.

P: So I interpreted it as your message meant that you wanted to settle the whole situation with money. Then I estimated how much Yossy can afford and requested two hundred million. However you told me it’s impossible. You said “good faith” again and again. But I can’t see it “good faith” leaving cash in front of my house.

P: After a lot of thinking I decide to give birth to the child. Yossy told me it will harm all of us. For me, it is precious life sprouting inside me.

P: I like Yossy so much. Therefore I’m feeling like to give birth to.

P: My resolve is that I want to give birth because I love Yossy.

3. Correspondences on December 18, 2012

T: I’m writing this e-mail since you didn’t answer my call again. I’d thought it’s better we talked on the phone.

(Quotation from the plaintiff’s e-mail, omitted)

T: I had understood you hadn’t made your mind when we discussed it for the first time. I thought you’d better see the doctor as soon as possible for your physical health. So, I anticipated you might feel hardship for want of money to see doctor and to have medical examination. So, I left that money just in case when you need it, whether or not you receive it then and there. I didn’t mean to settle it with money.

T: I’ve never regarded it as the matter of money and never meant to settle it with money from the beginning.

T: I hadn’t understood that you see it like that [Mr. Tanaka hopes to settle whole situation with money] because the money wasn’t there, i.e. you received it, in the next visit. In addition, you never told me to return it.

(Quotation from the plaintiff’s e-mail, omitted)

T: From my standpoint, it [giving birth] will harm all of us.

T: Apart from it, if you hope to give birth to because you like me, taking it as my personal matter, it is NOT acceptable from my standpoint and I will NEVER accept it.

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